Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Life You Save May Be Your Own - Youngstown To Vote YES May 7


Sunday, April 7, 2013

VOTE YES to protect safe drinking water on May 7 2013 ballot Youngstown Ohio

Call for canvas people - N.E. Ohio! Canvassers Needed!
Please read this letter from Broadview Heights, Ohio, citizens:
Dear Friends, Just as we fought the fight here in Broadview Heights, along with Mansfield, Youngstown is now trying to get their Bill of Rights Charter Amendment to ban drilling and injection wells within their city. The election is coming up in just a few short weeks on May 7!
The people of Youngstown have suffered earthquakes and toxic fracking waste dumped directly into their storm sewers and THEY HAVE HAD ENOUGH. They want to be able to take control of their own future and have decision making power back in the local citizens hands where it rightfully belongs. They are being attacked with industry and chamber of commerce  propaganda. We may not have as much money as the opposition, but we have something much better.....people power. All of us are affected by this industry that has pre-empted our right to self government and continues to use Ohio as a resource colony for their profits.
As community after community in Ohio passes local ordinances and charter amendments to take back our RIGHTS, we WILL make a difference and a change! Youngstown needs help canvassing neighborhoods to provide accurate information about the Charter Amendment to residents before they vote. And as election day gets closer, they will also need help making telephone calls to registered voters.
If you have any time at all to assist Youngstown get their Charter Amendment passed, you will not only be helping the residents of Youngstown, but you will be helping to move us all closer to stopping the destruction of our beautiful state and to re-building "Democracy" in Ohio.
MADION (Mothers Against Drilling In Our Neighborhoods)
To help Youngstown win on May 7, please contact:

VOTE YES to protect your family's safe drinking water

On Tuesday, May 7th, 2013, VOTE YES  to amend the Youngstown Home Rule Charter so that the citizens can protect their drinking water, their air and their land. The citizens of Youngstown can vote YES on the Community Bill of Rights to prohibit toxic trespass in the drinking water protected area of the Meander Reservoir, in residential areas bordering Mill Creek MetroParks and in the populated City of Youngstown.

What is the Youngstown, Ohio Community Bill of Rights?

Youngstown is a “home rule” City.  This means it creates its own laws on any topic not exclusively regulated by the state or federal government.  The set of local laws that govern the City are collectively referred to as the City’s Charter.  The Charter may be amended either by action of the elected government officials or through a citizen petition.  This ballot question is presented as the result of a citizen petition. The amendment proposes an addition to the Home Rule Charter establishing a local “Bill of Rights” which asserts the right of residents of the City to local self-government, to pure water, clean air, peaceful enjoyment of home, freedom from toxic trespass, local self-governing rights and the right of residents to establish energy policies for future sustainability. It establishes rights for natural communities and ecosystems, and empowers community members with legal standing to enforce those rights.
To secure the local Bill of Rights, corporations would be prohibited from using hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas within the City. In addition, corporations would be prohibited from storing, transporting or disposing of waste products from gas extraction within the City, or to site infrastructure supporting the extraction of shale gas or oil within the City. Corporations engaged in the extraction of natural gas, or intending to do so in the City, could not avail themselves of certain legal rights and powers which would enable them to nullify the rights of communities secured by the City Charter. Corporations engaged in gas extraction in neighboring municipalities could be held liable for violations of rights secured by this amendment.


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